Вот и закончился блогомарафон v2.0. Не просто было 30-ть дней подряд писать по одной статье, но я справился :) С результатами марафона можно ознакомиться по тегу блогомарафон. Теперь пришло время проанализировать результаты, сделать небольшие выводы и поделиться впечатлениями. Первое что приходит в голову после месяца написания статей, порой очень тяжело найти тему для очередного поста. Ну просто не реально тяжело. Не особо хочется просто копипастить чужие статьи, хочется написать о чем-то интер...
[ASP.NET 5] Production Ready Web Server on Linux. Run Kestrel In The Background
In the previous article we have installed nginx as a "gate" for our ASP.NET 5 application. Today we will see how to start kestrel server in the background. We will do even more, we will create init.d script to control our APS.NET 5 application and start it on the system's startup. The simplest way to start kestrel in the background from console: nohup k kestrel & But if you want to start your application at the system's startup you need init.d script. Eventually, we will have following comm...
[Fix] Error "Status: 0xc00000e9" in Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
You might get this error during booting or while installing a new version of Windows. Error code 0xc00000e9 refers to an unexpected I/O error. Usually, it is caused by damaged HDD, so first what you should do is to check you Hard Drive. You can use standard Windows CHKDSK or Linux ntfsfix. Load from Windows or Linux live USB and use those utilities to check you HDD. The other possible solution: Turn off computer Disconnect all USB devices Try to boot or install windows again And one more option:...
AdSense Consultation. How It Works
Recently I've got an email from Publisher Monetization Specialist from Google. I was surprised. Why me? I've just registered in the Google AdSense, my blog is not so popular, why specialist from google decided to contact me? We've arranged a phone call to talk about my account and the monetization of my site. After that, I've googled if it's a common thing to got such email from Google, and I found out that they select existing or new accounts almost randomly and help publishers to increase thei...
C# 6.0 await in catch/finally
C# 6.0 become more asynchronous-friendly than before. Finally, you can use await keyword in catch and finally blocks! Here is example: class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { do { Console.WriteLine("Before caller " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); CallerMethod(); Console.WriteLine("After caller " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); } while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Q); } public static async void CallerMethod() { try { throw new Exception(); }...
[Raspberry Pi 2] Create C# Background Application for Windows 10 IoT Core
In this article, we will see how to create simple Web Server for Raspberry Pi 2 running Windows 10 IoT Core. Because it is a Web Server we don't need UI for this application, we can run it in headless mode. Open Visual Studio 2015 RC and create Windows IoT Core Background Application solution. Now we need a web server. This will be simple one. It will always response with "Hello, World!" string. internal class WebServer { private const uint BufferSize = 8192; public void Start() { StreamSocketL...
[Raspberry Pi 2] Enable Headless Mode on Windows 10 IoT Core
If you want to run your application as a service (without UI) on Windows 10 IoT Core you first need to switch your device to the headless mode. First, let's connect to your Raspberry Pi 2 with a Power Shell, so then we can execute commands remotely on the device. Run PowerShell as an Administrator Start WinRM service to enable remote connections: net start WinRM Add your Raspberry Pi 2 in a trusted device list: Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value <IP Address> Disable psrea...
[vNext] ASP.NET 5 Automatic Migrations with Fluent NHibernate
As I said in the previous article, I am gonna tell you about Automatic migrations with NHibernate and Fluent NHibernate in ASP.NET 5 applications. Automatic migrations is a really powerful feature, but you should be also really careful with it. Sometimes it might corrupt your schema or even data. Now back to ASP.NET 5 and migrations. I have already explained how to install and configure Postgresql with NHibernate. To enable automatic migrations you need to modify configuration a bit: private sta...
[BlueStacks] How to kill process after exit
In BlueStacks version 0.9.24, after you close emulator from a tray menu it will stay in a system as a background process. It might slow down your host system. To properly close BlueStacks you need to run c:\Program Files (x86)\BlueStacks\HD-Quit.exe To speed up this process, create a shortcut on desktop and use it to close your BlueStacks instance.
[ASP.NET 5] Production Ready Web Server on Linux. Kestrel + nginx
You can run ASP.NET 5 applications on Linux using kestrel web server. This is development web server, so it has limited functionality. But sometimes you need more functions, for example, https or virtual hosts support. Today we will see how to configure a system, so you can access your application through a domain name. First, you need ASP.NET 5 environment up and running. You can use my article to install and configure everything, but it's a bit outdated, so it's better to use official documen...