Webhook Runner for Github

Webhook Runner for Github

React to GitHub webhook events and run custom scripts on your server. This is useful if you want to setup simple continuous integration and\or deployment.

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Nginx Log Analytics - Get Insights From A Static Website

Nginx Log Analytics - Get Insights From A Static Website

A simple console application to analyze Nginx log files and visualize the results. It gives you a top-level overview of the website performance (views per day, views per week, top-performing pages, etc) and nothing more. It's written in .NET Core 3.1 and can be deployed as a self-contained application (no need for a .NET runtime)

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Niall Ferguson - Civilization: The West and the Rest

Niall Ferguson - Civilization: The West and the Rest

Just finished another "evening" book, this time quite interesting analysis of why during the past 500 years the western civilization dominated the world and the rest eventually adopted (or in most cases are still trying) the same core principles. Niall Ferguson begins his story with a great example of ancient China. A powerful empire with an astonishing fleet that reached Africa a hundred years before Europeans started exploring the world. In the 1400s, China owned the greatest navy in the world, close to 3500 ships at its peak. Some were five times the size of the ships being built in Europe at the time.

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Тоні Шей - Доставка щастя. Шлях до прибутку, задоволення і мрії

Тоні Шей - Доставка щастя. Шлях до прибутку, задоволення і мрії

Цю книгу я віднесу до розділу "Успішний успіх" і "Мотивація". Легко написана, легко читається, чогось фундаментального з неї не дізнатися, але цікаво почитати про досвід успішного бізнесмена та принципи на яких побудовано його компанію.

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Get Messages From Archived Mailbox aka In-Place Archive Using Graph API

Get Messages From Archived Mailbox aka In-Place Archive Using Graph API

Simple instruction on how to get messages from the archived mailbox (aka in-place archive) using Microsoft Graph API. You will learn how to use well-known folder names to access data in the exchange server mailboxes without using long and clumsy ids. Graph API is a powerful tool to query data from Office 365. Learn how to utilize its features and make your life simpler.

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Install Samba Server on Raspberry Pi

Install Samba Server on Raspberry Pi

This is a simple tutorial on how to install and configure a Samba server on Raspberry Pi. Any Debian-based distro is suitable for this tutorial, I am using Rasbian OS but it should also work with Ubuntu Core.

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Selenium ChromeDriver on RaspberryPi

Selenium ChromeDriver on RaspberryPi

Unfortunately, Google doesn't make AMR32 (armv7l) builds of ChroreDriver anymore. The latest version of chromedriver-linux32 was released for version 2.33 But there is a solution, people from the Raspbian project have compiled chromium-chromedriver version for the armhf platform and added it to the repo.

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NDepend - Keep Technical Debt And Code Quality Under Control

NDepend - Keep Technical Debt And Code Quality Under Control

First of all, NDepend is a static analysis tool for .NET that can be integrated into Visual Studio (as an extension) or used as part of your continuous delivery pipeline. It allows you to keep track of code quality, technical dept, and visualize the dependencies to get a better overview of the codebase.

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