Blazor - It's Time to Forget JavaScript

Blazor - It's Time to Forget JavaScript

Blazor - build interactive, modular, and fast front-end applications in C#. Now you can finally forget about JavaScript and start using .net infrastructure to run your C# code in the browser. You can share classes, logic, and components between the backend and frontend. Try it now and you will never want to go back to JS.

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WebAssembly - The Next Step in Web Development

WebAssembly - The Next Step in Web Development

A long, long time ago, developers were using machine codes to program computers. It was hard to keep all of them in mind, easy to make a mistake, and almost impossible to read.  After struggling with machine codes, they created mnemonic codes to refer to machine code instructions aka Assembly language. The assembler was responsible for translating assembly language to machine codes.

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