[ASP.NET Core 1.0] Automatic Migrations in Entity Framework 7 (EF Core 1.0)

[ASP.NET Core 1.0] Automatic Migrations in Entity Framework 7 (EF Core 1.0)

There is no more public Configuration() { AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false; } in Entity Framework Core 1.0 (formerly  EF 7.0) Now you can use extension Migrate method during database initialization. For example, you have custom DBInitializer class: public class DBInitialization { public static void Initialize() { using (var context = new DbContext()) { context.Database.Migrate(); // Other db initialization code. } } } There is also async version of this method. This method will apply any pendi...

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[ASP.NET 5] Lazy DBContext initialization with Entity Framework 7

[ASP.NET 5] Lazy DBContext initialization with Entity Framework 7

I will show you how to do lazy db context initialization with Entity Framework 7. The idea is simple, we need an easy way to get database context in a request. If db context was used in the request we should call SaveChanges method and dispose used context if not we shouldn't do anything. For "client", code should look like this: public class SomeRepository { private readonly IDbContext _db; public SomeRepository(IDbContext db) { _db = db; } public void Add(Item item) { _db.Current.Items.Add(ite...

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[ASP.NET 5] Production Ready Web Server on Linux. Kestrel + Supervisord

[ASP.NET 5] Production Ready Web Server on Linux. Kestrel + Supervisord

In the previous article I've used nohup + su + init.d script to run kestrel in a background. But as Daniel Lo Nigro suggested in comments it's much easier to do the same with Supervisor And he was absolutelly right, config is much smaller, and you can easelly see status and output of a program. First, install supervisor: sudo apt-get install supervisor Now you can create config for your application: sudo nano /etc/supervisor/conf.d/kestrel_default.conf With following content: [program:kestrel_de...

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[ASP.NET 5] Production Ready Web Server on Linux. Run Kestrel In The Background

[ASP.NET 5] Production Ready Web Server on Linux. Run Kestrel In The Background

In the previous article we have installed nginx as a "gate" for our ASP.NET 5 application. Today we will see how to start kestrel server in the background. We will do even more, we will create init.d script to control our APS.NET 5 application and start it on  the system's startup. The simplest way to start kestrel in the background from console: nohup k kestrel & But if you want to start your application at the system's startup you need init.d script. Eventually, we will have following comm...

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[vNext] ASP.NET 5 Automatic Migrations with Fluent NHibernate

[vNext] ASP.NET 5 Automatic Migrations with Fluent NHibernate

As I said in the previous article, I am gonna tell you about Automatic migrations with NHibernate and Fluent NHibernate in ASP.NET 5 applications. Automatic migrations is a really powerful feature, but you should be also really careful with it. Sometimes it might corrupt your schema or even data. Now back to ASP.NET 5 and migrations. I have already explained how to install and configure Postgresql with NHibernate. To enable automatic migrations you need to modify configuration a bit: private sta...

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[ASP.NET 5] Production Ready Web Server on Linux. Kestrel + nginx

[ASP.NET 5] Production Ready Web Server on Linux. Kestrel + nginx

You can run ASP.NET 5 applications on Linux using kestrel web server. This is development web server, so it has limited functionality. But sometimes you need more functions, for example, https or virtual hosts support. Today we will see how to configure a system, so you can access your application through a domain name. First, you need ASP.NET 5 environment up and running.  You can use my article to install and configure everything, but it's a bit outdated, so it's better to use official documen...

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[vNext] ASP.NET 5 Dependency Injection with Autofac

[vNext] ASP.NET 5 Dependency Injection with Autofac

In this part of the vNext tale, I am gonna tell you about dependency injection in ASP.NET 5 (vNext) stack. Default Dependency Injection container First, let's see what is shipped with ASP.NET 5 by default. There is already simple DI container. It gives you a possibility to register service with three different lifetimes: scope, singleton and transient. For now it supports only constructor injection. Let's see how to use it and what is the difference between these lifetimes. Create empty ASP.NET...

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[vNext] Use PostgreSQL + Fluent NHibernate from ASP.NET 5 (DNX) on Ubuntu

[vNext] Use PostgreSQL + Fluent NHibernate from ASP.NET 5 (DNX) on Ubuntu

In the previous part we have installed APS.NET 5 application on Ubuntu, now we are gonna install and configure PostgreSQL on Ubuntu and access database from our application through NHibernate. Install and configure PostgreSQL First, install PostgreSQL: sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib Next, set root password: sudo -u postgres psql postgres \password postgres And then create test database: sudo -u postgres createdb mydb Add Fluent NHibernate to the application Open project.json...

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[vNext] Install ASP.NET 5 (DNX) on Ubuntu

[vNext] Install ASP.NET 5 (DNX) on Ubuntu

ASP.NET MVC application on Linux? Easy! As you may know, Microsoft recently released a lot of their products under MIT license. .NET Core runtime, .NET CoreFX, ASP.NET 5, MVC 6, Entity Framework 7, MSBuild, everything is now available on GitHub. Our goal is: run Asp.Net MVC application with postgresql database on ubuntu server Today we are gonna start with setting up .NET environment. In the new asp.net stack you can choose between full .NET runtime and .NET Core. For now .NET Core has a lot of...

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