For those who do not know, AppVeyor is Continuous Integration and Deployment service for .NET projects. It is free for open-source projects. Currently, AppVeyor supports latest DNX version (1.0.0-rc1-final) and I've recently migrated my pet project to this version. I will show you how easy it is to build and run all unit tests on CI server every time you commit to GitHub. Visual Studio project (MSBuild) In LearnWordsFast project we are using Visual Studio 2015 as a development environment, so in...
[ASP.NET 5] Lazy DBContext initialization with Entity Framework 7
I will show you how to do lazy db context initialization with Entity Framework 7. The idea is simple, we need an easy way to get database context in a request. If db context was used in the request we should call SaveChanges method and dispose used context if not we shouldn't do anything. For "client", code should look like this: public class SomeRepository { private readonly IDbContext _db; public SomeRepository(IDbContext db) { _db = db; } public void Add(Item item) { _db.Current.Items.Add(ite...
[ASP.NET 5] Production Ready Web Server on Linux. Kestrel + Supervisord
In the previous article I've used nohup + su + init.d script to run kestrel in a background. But as Daniel Lo Nigro suggested in comments it's much easier to do the same with Supervisor And he was absolutelly right, config is much smaller, and you can easelly see status and output of a program. First, install supervisor: sudo apt-get install supervisor Now you can create config for your application: sudo nano /etc/supervisor/conf.d/kestrel_default.conf With following content: [program:kestrel_de...