The week is over as well as a great developer conference in Norway. This was my first NDC, and I was lucky to be in the city where it all started back in 2008, Oslo!NDC Oslo 2019

First two days, I have participated in the workshop about Blazor that allows you to write client-side applications in C# and run them in the browser. This is all powered by WebAssembly and mono runtime that is compiled to WebAssembly bytecode. This workshop was guided by ASP.NET Core team members Ryan Nowak and Steve Sanderson.

I am so excited about Blazor that I want to share what I've learned during the workshop with you all! A few articles about Blazor and how to use it are coming soon!

The conference started with a motivational speech from David Neal. He encouraged people not to be afraid and start sharing knowledge and experience with others.
One of his awesome drawings:

reverentgeek - you are awesome

I am really excited about the next big release of.NET Core 3.0. Blazor, gRPC, and Windows support are all well-known features we are waiting for, but what about other PRs that was merged before the release? David Fowler and Damian Edwards told us about Hidden gems in ASP.NET Core and .NET Core. Among others: Trimmed and single file publishing options


The next day started with an introduction to WebAssembly by Guy Royse. He saw us how we went from machine codes to assembly language than to C-like languages, then we invented virtual machines to write architecture agnostic code. Now we apply the same principles in a browser.

There was also one excellent presentation by Co-host of .NET Rocks show Richard Campbell, The Moon: Gateway to the Solar System. He showed us what the past, present, and the future of the moon missions was. I hope someday we end up having a moon colony.


A brilliant keynote talk opened the last day. Donovan Brown showed us how Microsoft has transformed TFS to Azure DevOps and went from a three-year delivery cycle to three-week sprints.


In the next talk, Dylan Beattie demonstrated what is architecture in the software development world, how to define, communicate, and reinforce your architecture.


We all hate bugs, we all fix them, but what if you develop software that is a backbone for millions of other programs (e.g., .NET framework)? Then, fixing bugs is not so trivial, and there are many tradeoffs. Great stories from the .NET team Software Engineering Manager Karel Zikmund

.net war stories

It was a great conference full of technical details, inspiration, motivation, and great people.

Thanks, SkyKick for sponsoring this trip and providing a great place to create value for our partners!